ASEAN Business News

Toward Industrial Research University Status: Malaysia’s Path to Academic Excellence


Malaysia’s higher education system has made significant strides over the years, with several universities earning recognition on the global stage. However, to attain the coveted status of an industrial research university status, there are several critical steps that Malaysian universities need to take. This article delves into the key areas that require attention and investment to propel Malaysia’s institutions towards achieving industrial research university status. What makes ordinary research universities and industrial research universities different? High-end-one-on-one scale facilities are parred with industry needs and can produce one-on-one scale-size products.

One of the primary prerequisites for becoming an industrial research university is establishing and enhancing a world-class industrial research infrastructure. This includes state-of-the-art laboratories, cutting-edge equipment, and modern libraries well-stocked with academic resources. Malaysian universities must invest in these facilities to attract top-tier researchers and promote a culture of innovation.

A vital component of an industrial research university is its faculty. Malaysian universities must focus on attracting and retaining top-notch researchers and professors to become a hub for groundbreaking industrial research. However, at the current moment, they are failing miserably, as many of those top brainers are leaving the countries with their top investment with them. Competitive salary packages, research grants, and a conducive academic environment are essential factors that can help in this regard. Furthermore, partnerships with international institutions can facilitate faculty exchanges and collaborations, enriching the academic experience. But still, to be an industrial research status, the university must have facilities that provide one-on-one scale products.

A robust research culture is the cornerstone of an industrial research university. It involves encouraging both faculty and students to engage in research activities actively. Universities should incentivize faculty to publish in reputable journals, attend international conferences, and collaborate on research projects. Additionally, students should be exposed to research opportunities early in their academic journey, fostering a passion for inquiry and discovery. On the other hand, companies should dwell on the frame of the research work to provide input and direction toward the development and direction of the research work.

Financial support for industrial research and development (R&D) is crucial for research universities. The government and private sector should increase funding for R&D projects, allowing universities to undertake ambitious research initiatives. These investments can lead to groundbreaking discoveries, technological advancements, and contributions to national development. With proper management, industrial research universities can provide licensing, which can be adapted to companies to extend the research work, indirectly involving the universities, companies, and community to work together.

Interdisciplinary industrial research is often the breeding ground for groundbreaking discoveries. Malaysian universities should encourage collaboration between various departments, faculties, and companies. Creating interdisciplinary industrial research centers can facilitate cooperation among experts from different fields, leading to innovative solutions to complex problems.

To attain industrial research university status, Malaysian institutions must embrace internationalization. It involves offering diverse programs that cover STEAM (upgraded version of STEM) and TVETS (upgraded version of TVET), attracting international students, faculty, and companies, and fostering global collaborations. English proficiency should also be prioritized, making Malaysian universities more accessible globally.

Ensuring the quality of education and industrial research is paramount. Malaysian universities should seek accreditation from reputable international bodies, not only Malaysian bodies, such as MQA, SIRIM, BEM, or MBOT, but international ones like ASTM, ISO, etc. Quality assurance measures should be implemented to maintain high teaching and research standards. Regular assessments and evaluations can help identify areas that require improvement.

An industrial research university should not be isolated from its community. Malaysian institutions should actively engage with local communities and industries to address societal challenges and contribute to economic development to become industrial research universities. Collaborative initiatives, such as research partnerships with local businesses and community outreach programs, can strengthen ties and positively impact society.

Commercializing research findings is another important aspect of becoming an industrial research university. Malaysian universities should establish mechanisms to support knowledge and technology transfer from academia to industry. Licensing and patenting are a must, especially globally, to be recognized as an industrial research university. It can lead to the creation of startups, the development of new industries, and increased economic prosperity.

Becoming an industrial research university is a long-term endeavor that requires continuous assessment and adaptation. Universities should regularly review their progress, seek stakeholder feedback, and adjust their strategies accordingly. Flexibility and a willingness to evolve are essential for success.

The journey toward industrial research university status is challenging but achievable for Malaysian universities. It requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including the government, academic institutions, and the private sector. Malaysia can position its universities as global hubs of knowledge and innovation by enhancing research infrastructure, attracting top talent, fostering a research culture, and embracing internationalization. With sustained commitment and investment, Malaysia’s path to academic excellence is well within reach, paving the way for a brighter future for its higher education sector and the nation.

Ts. Dr. Hj. Muhammad Khusairy Bin Capt. Hj. Bakri is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Composite Materials and Engineering Center, Washington State University (WSU), a Faculty-Staff member for the Center of Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2) for North Dakota State University, United States of America, and a Lead Research and Development Sector of the Association of Professional Technicians and Technologists (APTT) Sarawak, Listed and indexed in the “Science and Research” category on the Fifth Edition of “Successful People in Malaysia” by Britishpedia as a successful young researcher in Malaysia published by British Publishing House Ltd., working on composite materials from the forest and industry products.


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