Quebec Unanimously Passes Canada’s First Right To Repair Bill

Quebec has become the first Canadian province to pass ‘right to repair’ legislation that includes the automotive industry. The Automotive Industries Association (AIA Canada), a right to repair advocate, said the move sets an important precedent for Canada to adopt legislation guaranteeing consumers freedom of choice and a significant step in the fight against planned obsolescence.
“AIA Canada and its thousands of members from coast to coast have long been advocating for legislation that would preserve consumer choice and allow our essential auto care industry businesses to compete on a fair and level playing field. We are delighted to see this come to fruition today in Quebec and remain committed to pushing for similar legislation at the federal level,” said the association.
According to AIA Canada, the unanimous passing of the bill reflects clear and strong consensus in favour of the right to repair in Quebec and that it will promote greater sustainability and fairness for consumers.
“We welcome the vision of the Quebec government that has recognised the importance of the right to repair for citizens,” said Jean-Francois Champagne, President and Chief Executive Officer of AIA Canada. “The inclusion of automobiles in Bill 29 is a major step towards a fairer and more transparent marketplace for consumers and the aftermarket industry.”
AIA Canada said it is committed to working with the Government of Quebec to develop regulations resulting from the legislation to protect the rights of Quebec consumers. “We are committed to working constructively together and putting in place a regulatory framework that benefits Quebec consumers.”