ASEAN Business News

Petronas Says Win-Win Partnership Imperative On Sarawak Impasse


Petronas has issued a statement with regards to a news report published by CNA which BusinessToday also carried, claiming the national oil giant of considering filing a court injunction against the Sarawak state government pertaining to the rights to distribute natural gas in Sarawak.

The group said that it is still in discussions with both the State and Federal Governments as well as PETROS in efforts of achieving mutual resolution regarding the distribution of natural gas.

It added in the statement that it is imperative that a win-win partnership is established based on the understanding of each other’s strengths and constraints to reach a holistic resolution. Further stating that the position is that any resolution developed by all parties must have the country’s best interest at heart and should not jeopardise the economic stability of the country.

CNA reportted that situation was getting tense on the oil distribution rights in Sarawak and that the Premier of the State was not budging on the negotiations.


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