Will Malaysia Achieve Its Net Zero Targets?

The Malaysian government has set ambitious targets of achieving at least 50% reduction in carbon emission by 2030 and to be fully carbon neutral by 2050.
In order to achieve this, the whole of government approach is essential with the private sector being the second pillar in ensuring the country keeps to its promise.
Among the top policies in place is the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, spanning the years 2021 to 2025, and the National Energy Policy 2022-2040, both have laid the groundwork while the NETR will ensure Malaysia forges ahead in this transformative journey.
Against the backdrop of a dynamic global energy landscape mired with the energy trilemma of security, affordability, and sustainability at its core, the world is racing for solutions. Malaysia too is resolute in overcoming these challenges and the NETR demonstrates our unwavering determination in this regard. Reducing Malaysia’s carbon footprint is one of the catalysts to transforming the economy on a more sustainable path. It is also an agenda to generate new sources of growth, creating business and trade opportunities, and consequently, knowledge workers.
In view of this massive undertaking that will impact every living entity on the planet, BusinessToday released the Special Net Zero editorial series in our efforts to log and monitor actions vis-à-vis results from all the policy implementation.
We speak to experts, policy makers, corporates to share their view and efforts they are taking to collectively come together and make the 2050 target achievable. For our 2024 series we have 4 different topics that delve into areas such as Green Economy, Achieving Net Zero Standards, Energy Transition, Mobility and Carbon Zero Champions.
Released every quarter April. July., September, December we invite industry players to update on the carbon neutral journey, what they have to offer and how they are assisting the various sectors in their transition process.
Drop us an email on how to take part and become a change maker in our race to net zero!
You can also check out more about the special edition below.